
On this page you can find the following Policies:
Privacy Policy & Disclaimer
Statement of Faith
Ministry Rules
Administrative Procedures including Certification

Privacy Statement

This Privacy Policy covers the WayTruthLife use and disclose personal information that you may provide us with. Personal information includes any information that identifies you personally, such as your name or email address.
We recognise that your privacy is very important and so we want you to be confident with the way we handle your personal information. We have outlined below how we collect, use, disclose, and protect this information.

How We Collect Information

We receive and store personal information provided by you when signing up online to become a WayTruthLife email subscriber and when registering online for event tickets.  

How We Use Information

We collect information about you to send you emails that you have subscribed to receive, and to send you event tickets for which you have registered, and follow-up information about the events as necessary.    
We use your data only when you have given explicit consent and it is in our legitimate interest e.g. the data you’ve provided to us is necessary for us to provide you with the service.

Disclosure of Information

We will not share your personal information with other organisations for marketing purposes unless you give your explicit consent on a case by case basis.

Storage and Security of Personal Information

WayTruthLIfe will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that when you provide your personal information it is done in a secure and confidential environment.  When the information is no longer needed it will be destroyed or permanently rendered anonymous.

Controlling Your Personal Information

If you no longer want to receive WayTruthLife subscriber emails, you will be able to use an option to unsubscribe at any time using information at the bottom of our emails.
Information you provide to us as part of registering for events is stored by Eventbrite. You can access data held by Eventbrite by contacting privacy@eventbrite.com.
If you wish to complain, you can do so via the WayTruthLife website’s contact form. You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at this website: https://ico.org.uk/


WayTruthLife Wellbeing aknowledges the diversity within the Church. We recognise that Christians vary in their beliefs and practices on specific non-core issues but all have the same basic calling: to worship God, to share the good news about Jesus Christ and to work for good according to the teachings of the Bible.
To the maximum extent permissible by law, WayTruthLife accepts no responsibility or liability for the views or opinions of speakers, session leaders or those attending the sessions. Views expressed by members are purely their own, except in the case of an official WayTruthLife decision minuted by WayTruthLife as such.

Statement of Faith


For those unfamiliar with Statements of Faith, these are required in many church circles. If you are simply attending a WayTruthLife event, this Statement of Faith need not apply to you.


We believe in God the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ the Messiah and Holy Spirit. Our churchmanship is Trinitarian and Charismatic (in keeping with a majority of the world church). For the purpose of providing WayTruthLife to a majority of Christian communities, the following Bible formats are acceptable: Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox. Our biblical take is that, at a minimum, all biblical prophecy and books of the bible written by biblical prophets are inerrant. We define inerrancy here in the following manner: these writings contain exactly what God wants them to contain with no error, that is to say no error in the original language, in the correct manuscript. All senior leaders of the WayTruthLife ministry are required to adhere to this Statement of Faith.

Ministry Opportunities and Rules

We designed these sessions for Christians working in the civil service. However, our vision is that any christian leader could host WayTruthLife sessions in their home, life group, or other settings. If you would like to do this, we are offering the content for free, but would kindly ask you to respect the vision of WayTruthLife, as set out below.

The sessions are designed to be delivered as one-off sessions (e.g. as a pilates class), or as a course. You can design your own talks on wellbeing topics, or if you would like to use our official series, you will notice that we design them with a flow: the initial sessions build faith for wellbeing; the middle sessions focus on healing; and the latter sessions offer wisdom to wellbeing to send the participants out. Please contact us for more resources.

The sessions can be delivered for free. We also see an option for a charge to attract a more committed or focused group, with all funds going to the session organiser. It is our our observation that sometimes people value more and invest in sessions with a cost. We also believe the worker is worth his wages, and would like to place value on those with skills of session leading and helping others with wellbeing.


License is granted to run official WayTruthLife sessions under the following conditions.

a) The official WayTruthLife course (WTL for short) and sessions must be branded as such

b) the people running the WTL session must be aware of and respect the fact that WTL is an independent ministry under God with its own very powerful gifting set. We further believe that God can potentially hold WTL sessions leaders to account for disrespectfully using the ministry. The following therefore logically applies with regards to institutional compatibility: it follows that WTL cannot be absorbed into another ministry, by for example, plagiarising it or partially implementing it. For example, spiritually speaking WTL is not akin to a normally gifted sermon containing exercises. No matter how much it may look like it to potential organisers. This is due to the extremely powerful gifting on WTL. Spiritually speaking, WTL is a ministry system with its own spiritual dynamics. Some of these spiritual giftings and dynamics resemble those of the most powerful inner healing ministries. Due regard must be given to this fact and if our position sounds too church charismatic in nature then no license can be granted to run the sessions because it would likely violate the section below marked UNDERSTANDING or at the very least show a lack of understanding of WTL. Please note that it is possible to run WTL ministry’s WTL sessions in for example a church using their church ministers, who understand and explain that they are representing both ministries before God in that moment.

c) Be between 30mins to 1.5 hours excluding food and be within the same format (in no particular order: church music + subject talk + use of intellectual prism of Way and Truth and Life + any extra church mini-activity such as “contemplate” or “ask God” + optionally some food and drink) and

d) must only contain a Christian worldview compatible with our statement of faith.

Failure to stay within these boundaries means that it is not a WayTruthLife session as defined by the WayTruthLife Ministry and it must not be branded as such and no license is given.

In addition to these above hard rules on format, we have a current recommended (non-compulsory) format:

  • Introduction explaining the Way Truth Life wellbeing concept to empower participants to apply this to their lives (recommended 2-3 minutes)
  • Truth/ Way: A short talk from the session organisers introducing the session’s wellbeing topic, talking through a relevant ‘a Truth’ (from a Bible verse or concept), and ‘a Way’ with practical actions to help wellbeing in our lives (recommended 5 minutes)
  • Life: Contemplative worship focusing on the session’s wellbeing topic, where participants contemplate the topic and do exercises linked to the topic, enabling them to explore intellectually, emotionally and spiritually the issue (recommended 15 minutes)
  • Opinion talk on the session’s wellbeing topic, e.g. from this website (recommended 10 minutes)
    Optional further contemplative worship, and/ or a prayer led by the session organiser, (recommended 5-10 minutes)

WayTruthLife has a “no hypocrisy” rule. This means that if you have a serious problem with the central ministry or leadership of WayTruthLife, if you seriously insult or denigrate the ministry or leadership, you should not be providing WayTruthLife sessions and you do not have permission to do so and nor do any ministers under your leadership in the church. We believe this provision is dear to God’s heart. Please note that this provision is primarily but not exclusively aimed at senior church leadership.


WayTruthLife is an expression of Christianity, that is charismatic in nature (that is related to gifting and the miraculous). We believe that the giftings on the ministry are very powerful and to be cherished. We believe WayTruthLife session leaders should be aware of this and help maintain healthy boundaries around WayTruthLife generally and around their sessions in particular. If the idea of christian gifting or gifts of the spirit being for today is a controversial one to the reader, we ask for the reader to refrain from running WayTruthLife sessions until the reader has become certain that they are OK with this.

Administrative Procedures


It is possible to be officially certified in offering WayTruthLife sessions. This involves listening to a couple of talks on the subject and attending a couple of sessions as an attendee. You will also need to agree to our 4 ministry rules. If you are a church minister or attend a church where the minister is willing to vouch that you have ministry skills, this is all you need to be an officially accredited WayTruthLife session leader. If you are not a minister or cannot find a church minister to recommend you, you can ask an officially accredited session leader to review two sessions led by yourself. These can be recorded for review at a distance if necessary. You may be able to get someone from the WayTruthLife HQ to review it depending on resources available.

Disciplinary Measures

We believe that God wishes WayTruthLife to be an honest and light-filled ministry. We believe that WayTruthLife is required by God to call out any bad behaviour around WayTruthLife, especially related to the administration of WayTruthLife sessions. We will therefore press-release our condemnation of extremely bad behaviour by officially accredited session leaders or people presuming to represent WayTruthLife, if we feel God wishes us to. We also reserve the right to refuse to specific people or ministries the license contained in the FORMAT section, on a temporary or permanent basis. We also reserve the right to revoke accreditation as an officially certified session leader of WayTruthLife.